~If you want a great marriage learn to communicate love to your wife the way she receives love. Learn how she wants you to show love to her. If you do this well, you'll have a great marriage~
Being a truly great husband may be the most challenging and rewarding thing you'll ever do.
Your wife needs to feel as though she is the love of your life.
Specific Steps to Becoming a Great Husband
- Enjoy pleasing her. Most women need to feel appreciated. Verbal appreciation goes a long way in making a woman feel valued. Your wife likes to know that you feel lucky to be married to her.
- Make the goal of your interactions, to leave her with a good feeling. Be supportive. Be considerate. Be kind. Be respectful at all times. Give her compliments about the way she looks. Noticing that she did a good job at something will really make her feel good.
- Tell her you love her when you hang up the phone or leave her presence. You never know when your time is up. Always remember to make sure she knows how much you love her!
- Always greet your wife with a hug and kiss that says that you're happy to see her. Do the same when you leave her.
- Find new ways to express your love other than with kisses and the words "I love you." Tell her what you love about her, what makes her special, what you appreciate. This will help your love to grow as well as hers.
- Be her greatest supporter. Be someone she knows that she can always count on. Be there for her when she has had a long day. Listen to her with attentive eyes and ears. Back her up 100 percent! And always protect her, both physically and emotionally. If you have done something to hurt her, even if you didn't mean to, tell her you are sorry and show her affection. This must be sincere! There's nothing worse than an "I'm sorry" that is put on or phoney.
- Talk to her about things that interest you, too — don't worry too muchthat she'll be bored — she'll be thrilled that you want to share your hobbies with her. If possible, try to find an aspect of your interest where she can join you. The efforts you make to help her enjoy what you enjoy will pay off enormously in the health of your relationship.
- Understand that your personal relationship should be more important to you than your other family members, work associates, or friends. She is your partner in all things. Treat her as such. If you're worried about looking independent in front of others, talk with your wife about what decisions you can and make without each other and what decisions must absolutely be discussed. If necessary, ask yourself why you feel you should look independent instead of married. It may not be hard to say "Let me talk this over with my other half".
- Take out the Garbage! Don't make her nag you into doing your share of the housework. Identify your share and then do it regularly. Don't wait for her to remind you. Asking you too frequently makes her feel like a nag, and it creates an adult/child relationship. Show her she can count on you to get things handled, especially the more labor intensive things like mowing the lawn. Keep the house in good repair. Generally, women like their homes to look nice.
- Don't show her even the mildest forms of contempt. Contempt is poison in a relationship. You don't have to act like you like what she said or did, but do not take on an attitude of superiority. Never smirk, sigh in disgust, or roll your eyes. These seemingly insignificant gestures show a lack of support, respect, and trust. The way you naturally act towards her should validate her as a person, even when you do not understand or agree with her. Giving eye contact when she has something important to tell you shows respect; not giving eye contact shows disrespect
- Be honest! Nothing will destroy a relationship faster than dishonesty. Attempts to conceal information, not telling her where you're going, or lieing about where you have been cause a disconnect. There can be no intimacy without complete honesty. Always tell her the whole truth.
- Put her needs first. That might sound like a difficult thing to do, but you just have to do it. You certainly can't be selfish. If you're man enough to make that special lady your wife then you better be ready to man up and really make her your number one!